Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Lazy Day of Movies...

One of the super rare occasions is coming up in my life where I will be able to sit on my butt and watch movies all day uninterrupted. It hardly ever happens and when it does I sometimes lose my focus and other things get in the way of getting through the pile of flicks I line up for the day.

This time that is not going to happen.

I'm getting a list of movies and food ready for the event. I'll have everything I'll need to get through the movies without leaving the house or falling into the trap of video games or computer work that usually spells doom for the day.

The first thing I'm going to do is turn off the computer and close the door to the office. I will restrain myself from going into that room for I know that what lay inside is nothing but distraction and loss of time.
Food is the next thing on the list that I need to acquire. It's going to be a mix of junk food and stuff that's not going to make me want to hurl if I eat too much in one sitting. Pizza is on the menu for the big meal but chips, dip, cookies, yogurt, fruit, and ice cream for the end is also being served up. The trick is to space all this stuff apart so you don't get sick and so you have room to snack on all this stuff without filling yourself up right away.
The stack of movies is all ready and it includes titles from all genres and decades. Most of it is stuff I picked up when Hollywood Video went belly up but some of it is saved to the instant watch on the ol XBox. I'm hoping to get through 6 to 8 movies and I wouldn't put it past me to manage ten in one sitting. As I said... this chance to veg comes around once in a blue moon. I need to make sure I get my fill before the real world crashes back around me.

How do you set up for a day of movie watching?


Blogger Unknown said...

That sounds like you've learned from all the mistakes we've all made in the past. Isolation from interferences is the most difficult. The food lineup is also important. Keep it fairly light, to ward off a heavy gut and the prospect of sleep it brings. I once made myself a smallish Ham a day in advance of one such movie day and snacked on it all day long. I also spend a good amount of prep time lining up the viewing order, allowing for audibles once I get into the actual viewing. I like to lead with a drama, follow it with a comedy, save any horrors for late and make sure to really space out the big actions. For me the sleep factor is what forces my scheduling choices.
Good luck with your day! Wish I could join ya or sneak my own full day in myself. I look forward to hearing your results.

May 16, 2010 at 1:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Your wife is okay with this?! There is no way that I can devote an entire day to movie watching with my husband and two kids demanding TV time. More's the pity...
Be sure to hydrate.

May 17, 2010 at 9:50 AM  
Blogger Jason said...

My wife and kids went out of town during this adventure into the tv.

May 27, 2010 at 12:41 PM  

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