Friday, January 29, 2010

Film Class: The First Week

My first week in my first film class is over and done with. It's not at all what I expected the class to be but it is something I'm looking forward to sitting through week after week.

On the surface it's a film class in as much as we view movies and talk about them. But we really don't talk about the ins and outs of the movie making process. The whole class is designed to help you intelligently take the themes of a film apart and figure out what's going on behind the story. To find out what it's saying about the time period in which it was made and what was the writer or director trying to get across with the things they showed us.

It's a class to get you to look beyond just the visuals on the screen. It's not what I thought the class was when I signed up for it but it's something that I think every film buff needs to think about. I come across a lot of folks who can tell you about the smallest things in regards to the filming, the acting, and even the directing but sometimes they are clueless as to what the movie is really about. What is the story behind the story? Why did the creators feel the need to tell this story?

The first class was the usual intro to what we would be doing as the weeks numbered themselves. Papers will be written, tests taken, and movies watched. The class is going to be mostly focused on the "comedy" side of film. I mean that in the Greek idea of comedy. A story that doesn't end in a sad or low note. The other side of that would be Tragedy. The list of movies we will be handling is pretty interesting. The first one we are going to tackle is DAVE. A good flick I have seen before but it's been a while and I don't think I have ever looked into the deeper meaning of the flick so I look forward to the viewing.

All in all I think I'm going to have fun in the class and I think it will be challenging. I'll keep you guys up to date on how it goes.


Anonymous Dave in the Quiet Corner said...

Excellent. Is this a night school course or something towards a degree? Either way we want to see your report card posted on the blog site. The pressure's on now dude!

February 1, 2010 at 1:49 PM  

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